Enjoying the freedom of retirement

Mark D
How has Callisto helped you?

Well, I was looking for an investment for my pensions. Andrew introduced me to Callisto, and the best way it’s helped me is that I’m living on the proceeds from my pension now. I’ve got enough to live on the proceeds from my pension.

What’s it like working with Callisto? 

I don’t know! Because I just get on with my life – Callisto does the work in the background.

Describe the service that Callisto offers

The service that Callisto offers is a drawdown pension that I was not allowed to do with my company pensions. My company pensions were defined benefits: 20/60 of your final salary, 40/60 of your final salary etc, with a 50% payable on death to your wife (and when she died, nothing for the children). Callisto gives me the financial freedom to leave it for my wife and kids. 

What are the key strengths of working with Callisto? 

The key strength of working with Callisto is, as I mentioned before, financial freedom. I’m not tied in. I can take the amount of money I need to live on, and the money I leave in there is making a reasonable interest rate.

What does financial freedom mean to you?

Financial freedom means to me: getting up in the morning, not having to go to work. I can go play golf or go on my mountain bike. Go around the country to Nation Trust places. Go on holiday; my son lives in Australia, so I go and see him once or twice a year, all paid for by my private pension.

Would you recommend Callisto? 

I would and I do. I’m currently speaking to my brother about moving his money to Callisto!

“My son lives in Australia, so I go and see him once or twice a year – all paid for by my private pension.”