Client journey

Good financial planning is all about the process. Ours is made up of six steps - they’re our six steps to financial freedom, and here’s what they look like.


Getting to know each other

Everything begins with a conversation. At this stage, we don’t need to know too much about your current financial arrangements. We simply want to get to know you, and for you to get to know us. It’s the best way you can find out if you’ll feel comfortable and happy partnering with us.

Getting to know you

Now it’s time to find out about your values, goals, key relationships, hobbies and plans for the future. Part and parcel of this is looking into your current financial arrangements but we’ll also consider how events such as retirement will affect you and explore your attitude to risk.

After this meeting, we will send you a strategy report outlining our key goals together with an overview of our fees.

Analysis and planning

Using all we now know about you, we can start to get you financially well-organised, analyse your situation and assess your future requirements.

We carefully calculate a lifetime cashflow for you to ensure you don’t outlive your money and we use the latest technology to stress test our assumptions by running them through various ‘what if’ scenarios.

Putting everything in place

We create an implementation report and an investment policy statement. We talk you through our recommendations and investment strategy, making sure you understand everything and are 100% comfortable with it.

When you are happy to proceed, we dot the i’s and cross the t’s before you sign any paperwork needed to put your plan in motion.


After 8 weeks, we give you a call to see if you have any additional questions and if you are still comfortable with the decisions you have made.

Keeping in touch

We regard our relationship as a long-term partnership. We keep you informed and make sure you always have the chance to talk to us about how things are going.

Our regular review meetings help us ensure you are always up to date, and that your plan is still aligned with your circumstances and goals. Of course, you can speak to us whenever you wish outside of these.


Getting to know each other

Everything begins with a conversation. At this stage, we don’t need to know too much about your current financial arrangements. We simply want to get to know you, and for you to get to know us. It’s the best way you can find out if you’ll feel comfortable and happy partnering with us.


Getting to know you

Now it’s time to find out about your values, goals, key relationships, hobbies and plans for the future. Part and parcel of this is looking into your current financial arrangements but we’ll also consider how events such as retirement will affect you and explore your attitude to risk.

After this meeting, we will send you a strategy report outlining our key goals together with an overview of our fees.


Analysis and planning

Using all we now know about you, we can start to get you financially well-organised, analyse your situation and assess your future requirements.

We carefully calculate a lifetime cashflow for you to ensure you don’t outlive your money and we use the latest technology to stress test our assumptions by running them through various ‘what if’ scenarios.


Putting everything in place

We create an implementation report and an investment policy statement. We talk you through our recommendations and investment strategy, making sure you understand everything and are 100% comfortable with it.

When you are happy to proceed, we dot the i’s and cross the t’s before you sign any paperwork needed to put your plan in motion.



After 8 weeks, we give you a call to see if you have any additional questions and if you are still comfortable with the decisions you have made.


Keeping in touch

We regard our relationship as a long-term partnership. We keep you informed and make sure you always have the chance to talk to us about how things are going.

Our regular review meetings help us ensure you are always up to date, and that your plan is still aligned with your circumstances and goals. Of course, you can speak to us whenever you wish outside of these.

Keeping things crystal clear

The whole goal of working together is to put you in a better, more confident position when it comes to managing your finances. An integral part of that is making sure you have a clear understanding of how things work. That’s why we leave the jargon and the big words for others and instead focus on a plain-talking, crystal clear approach that keeps you fully informed.